Psychedelic Integration, EMDR and more....
Located on the lands of the
Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute) people.
"Psychedelic therapy is not a magic bullet, but it can be a powerful catalyst for change when used in the context of a supportive therapeutic relationship." - Robin Carhart-Harris.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make an appointment? Schedule an appointment now by contacting us through the form below or text/call us at (385) 493 9649 or email at support@alternativehealinginclinicut.com.
Do you offer in person and/or telehealth? We offer therapy via telehealth through the portal and are trained in providing EMDR , psychedelic assisted therapy and other modalities via telehealth. We do make exceptions for if people would like us to sit with them while they are on the medicine in person and are happy to discuss options with you. Pre and Post integration are still telehealth.
How often and when are appointments? You are able to select your appointment time in the portal. I am happy to schedule if you prefer and can go over openings via email or phone. When selecting an appointment we encourage that you set that up as a recurring appointment weekly or bi weekly, depending on your needs. You can change this or modify as needed.
Do you take insurance or how much will it cost me for individual therapy ? Session are $150. We are in network with Select Health, United, UMR, University of Utah commercial plans, and Optum. We expect to be in network with Medicaid and BCBS in the next few months. We will provide superbills upon request which you can submit if out of network but it is up to the insurance company to reimburse.
How does psychedelic therapy work in UT, ID and FL? If you are looking for psychedelic therapy and/or integration we do not suggest or promote illegal activity but can help you reduce harm by telling you what treatments would be recommended in states where it is legal, but it is up to you to source the medication . There are several payment options for extended psychedelic session/sitting . Insurance does cover the integration before and after. For more information on harm reduction see our harm reduction section.
When/how much will it cost for Trauma Focused Yoga ? Trauma focused yoga is currently happening via telehealth every Monday at 9a. It is a group class that runs 45 minutes with the last 15 minute being optional processing. It is $35 a person. Everyone's insurance is different, you can ask if they cover it and if so we are happy to bill to them. If you would like a private session it will be $50. Reach out to schedule today!
Will my insurance cover psychedelic therapy? If you are in network for individual therapy with us (Select Health, United, UMR, Optum, U of U and more to come) then they will cover the individual sessions before and after as they do for non psychedlic therapy. For the actual medicine session there is a discounted rate of approxiamelty $500 depending on the medicine/length of time of the ceremony.